Newsletter of the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona

I am MLGSCA: Erin Moore

Posted on May 3, 2023 by Membership | 3 Comments

Name: Erin Moore
Institution: Banner Health, Phoenix, AZ
Title: Librarian

Brief description of what you do/your responsibilities at your institution.

Provide systemwide support in use of library services and resources with emphasis on partnership, instruction/training, clinical reference, and marketing/promotion.

Why is MLGSCA important to you?

Staying connected and creating innovation.

What is your advice to someone new to medical librarianship?

Become a great storyteller, share in/advocate on behalf of the healthcare workers you support, and embrace acronyms.

What has been the most interesting project you have worked on?

Being involved in LEAN process improvements across several hospital units was eye-opening. This process involved coming to the table with nurses, pharmacists, physicians, administrators and talking though processes in order to understand the barriers to efficiency or quality.

What do you consider to be the most pressing issues or trends in librarianship?

The need for hiring/retention practices that promote inclusivity and diversity (rather than recycling the status quo) is a pressing issue: critical librarianship gets at these issues but are not discussed enough in the workplace by library leaders. Issues pertaining to critical librarianship are an afterthought.

What is something you have on your bucket list?

Travel to Thailand!

What is the best thing you have read/watched/listened to recently?

I listened to a podcast called “Sympathy Pains” that has me entirely shooketh. It was about medical fraud and pretending to have terminal illnesses and creating an elaborate web of lies to gather sympathy. TV-wise, just started watching Poker Face after finishing Yellowstone and The Last of Us.

Is there anything about you that others would be surprised to know?

I’ve been in a few bands and am getting ready to start another one (I hope!).

What are you most proud of?

I get to be a librarian-by-day and a mom-to-a-toddler-guitarist by night (but until 10:30pm).


3 Responses to “I am MLGSCA: Erin Moore”

  1. Judy Kraemer
    May 5th, 2023 @ 4:39 pm

    Hi Erin, Thanks for your I AM MLGSCA!

    I’ll travel to Thailand with you!

    Do you play the guitar with your toddler? If that your role in the bands? Sound like fun!

    🙂 Judy

  2. Janet Crum
    May 10th, 2023 @ 6:08 pm

    LOL at, “embrace acronyms.” Truer words were never typed!

    Totally agree about the need for inclusive hiring and retention practices.

    Thanks for agreeing to be featured in I am MLGSCA!

  3. Erin
    June 14th, 2023 @ 11:39 am

    Hello! Thanks for the replies, Judy and Janet! I’m a little late in my replies:) I do play guitar with our 3 year old; but she strums an ukulele. Regarding bands, I play guitar/voice primarily and a little bit of bass. Being a backing vocalist (in other projects) is also the most fun because you only have to show up for sound check with a microphone. Thanks for the opportunity to be featured in I Am MLGSCA:)

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