Newsletter of the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona

Claudio Garcia wins MLGSCA Staff Scholarship

Posted on | March 31, 2021 | No Comments

On Behalf of the Awards Committee

To Claudio Garcia on being awarded the MLGSCA Staff Scholarship!

Claudio is currently a Library Science student at the University of Arizona iSchool.

From his nomination:
“Having witnessed his creativity and flexibility during this extraordinary time, I have no doubt that CJ will be able to learn,
change, and grow in a positive direction over the longer term as he continues the pursuit of his master’s degree
and begins the pursuit of his professional career in health sciences librarianship.”

“I would highly recommend Claudio for this scholarship because he represents a new generation of librarians. He is excited to learn, grow, and participate in the library world.

Posted on | February 17, 2021 | No Comments


2021 Medical Libraries Group of Southern California and Arizona virtual spring symposium: Uplifting Community Voices



Sponsored by NNLM PSR and MLGSCA

MLGSCA invites you to our spring symposium: Uplifting Community Voices. Hear from community organizations, students, and librarians about health education in the time of COVID-19. Topics include health and our communities, racism in medicine, community engagement, health in bi-lingual populations and teen and youth health.

 This is a free one-day educational event. Registration link coming soon.

We understand another conference is also this day, but organizers planed in advance for this date and our presenters are set for March 25th. Keynote will include panelists from Native Health Phoenix, El Rio Community Health Center Tucson, Consulado de Mexico en Tucson-Ventanilla de Salud, and a Hawaiian Community Health Organization.

Questions: Contact Naomi Bishop @

Naomi Bishop Receives ALA’s “I Love My Librarian Award”

Posted on | January 12, 2021 | No Comments

Current MLGSCA chapter president Naomi Bishop has received the “I Love My Librarian” from the American Library Association. Naomi was among ten winners of this year’s award, continuing a tradition that has honored 130 librarians in all types of libraries since 2008. Naomi was nominated by several of her colleagues at the University of Arizona College of Medicine Phoenix based on her impressive record of service to library users, her response to the COVID-19 pandemic, her advocacy for social justice, and her dedication to mentoring. Details of her award, including the nomination letter describing her accomplishments, can be found here:

New Workshop: Changing Publication Practices in the COVID-19 Era

Posted on | September 30, 2020 | No Comments

Virtual Workshop by the Friends of the National Library of Medicine (FNLM)
October 28, 2020; 11am – 1pm U.S. EDT
Agenda is on the FNLM website .
Changing Publication Practices in the COVID-19 Era
Acceleration of impactful scientific results dissemination is greatly needed with the
COVID-19 pandemic. Hear from leading experts who will discuss the latest trends of
releasing acceptable and effective scientific results through a variety of publication
types, related research data, and preprints.
The experts’ messages will benefit principal investigators, research laboratory
leaders, researchers, librarians, journal editors, as well as users of biomedical
research discoveries.
Workshop objectives include:
1. How to meet NIH expectations for research productivity most effectively
2. The latest trends of acceptable and effective scientific publication
3. Where and how can research data be stored for reuse
4. The latest electronic research dissemination services and resources
Wednesday, October 28, 2020 ( times are U.S. EDT )
Time Session
11:00 AM Welcome and introductions
11:05 AM
Plenary: NIH expectations for publication of
research results
Michael Lauer, Deputy Director for Extramural
Research, NIH (confirmed)
11:25 AM Panel I: New developments in publication
Moderator: Elaine Martin, MSLS, DA (Countway
Library, Harvard University)
12:05 PM Break
12:10 PM Panel II: Data publication and preservation
Moderator: Jean Shipman,MSLS, AHIP, FMLA
12: 50 PM Closing comments
Visit the event page to access materials associated with this virtual workshop.
Individual early registration: $35 (until September 30, 2020)
Individual registration: $65 (October 1-27, 2020)
One-time registration for the series (all three workshops): $95
Sponsorship Opportunities
A wide range of sponsorship opportunities are available to get your message in
front of a large audience of researchers and library professionals. For details, email
Ann Hill, Operations Manager, Friends of the National Library of Medicine:
About the FNLM Virtual Workshop Series
The Virtual Workshop Series from the Friends of the National Library of Medicine
include the following events:
1. Changing Publication Practices in the COVID-19 Era – October 28, 2020
2. Real World Data and Electronic Health Records in Clinical Research – December 2,
3. Artificial Intelligence to Accelerate Discovery – January 27, 2021
? Oxford PharmaGenesis Ltd (Workshop Series Sponsor)
? BMJ Publishing Group Ltd (Plenary Sponsor)

Nine Months Later

Posted on | September 22, 2020 | No Comments

Note: The following is a report submitted by Deb Schneider, M.Ed, MLIS, HonorHealth, this year’s winner of the chapter’s professional development award.

If truth be told, the last time I reflected on how different “nine months later” would look probably dates back to my first pregnancy. An imperfect comparison to be sure as that time was filled with joyful expectation. This time, my “nine months later” feels more a mixture of concern, hope, uncertainty, commitment to (but mixed success with) not sweating the small stuff, admiration of and thankfulness for my colleagues, and optimism of better days ahead.  I submit for consideration that this description is an accurate summation of my 2020 MLA conference experience as well.

It’s difficult to remind myself of my expectations in January 2020 when I hit the submit button in hopes of having a lightening talk accepted for MLA. My worries seem small now.  Would my submission be accepted?  Could I convince my leadership to support my first-time attendance to MLA especially in an environment where our 2020 department education/travel budget had been slashed to eight dollars (yes, eight)? If they said no, could I pull together enough resources and personal funds to attend?

Fast forward past MLA acceptance, the emergence of COVID, lock-down, moving to remote work, conference postponement, disparities, surges,  AZ as “hotspot”, reimagination to a virtual MLA meeting, non-clinical cutbacks and partial furloughs at my organization,  protests, a generous award from MLGSCA facilitating my opportunity to still participate, approval to attend…

Arrival to MLA Live Action Week. The week was packed with back-to-back activities, posters, exhibits, and choices and is a testament to the dedication of the staff and conference team for what I’m certain amounted to hundreds of hours of planning and converting from the live meeting to a virtual format.   As an attendee, the ability to move at a click from one virtual room to another encouraged me to dive in topic after topic with few breaks and sometimes to sample simultaneously occurring topics in a way I could never have done in person. I went into information overdrive. Rookie mistake one of attending a virtual conference – this is not a smorgasbord – next time, choose well but choose less.

Looking at the numbers, I feel like I was not alone in the smorgasbord approach. Some stats from the week:

Rookie mistake two – the virtual conference environment of sitting at a computer in my kitchen was a replay of the last three months of my worklife. I struggled with disconnecting from my job and I found myself much more likely to check in on work issues, answer emails, and to initiate or respond to texts from my staff between sessions. Next time – protected time and better self-discipline to disconnect from work.  If I could provide you one takeaway for virtual conference participation, it would be this one.

I also missed the personal connections that occur at conferences and I’m not sure how to do that better. I participated but there is a separateness to the virtual experience. I missed the chit-chat, where are you from? What do you do? element that flows so much more easily in person.

Content highlights?  Impossible to do justice to as there were so many. My personal list:

What went well? I participated – heavily as I said – in larger lectures, small breakouts, viewing posters, posting questions. I experienced the other side by being a presenter with the same pop in/pop out behaviors of my attendees – some lurking, some engaging me in numerous questions.  While I missed the connection that an in-person presentation offers, this format was surprisingly interactive for my session and ran overtime with one particularly enthusiastic attendee who is eager to replicate our program in her setting which I found exciting and rewarding. I’m eager to help her organization should she wish to proceed. And I’m grateful for the opportunity to have attended.  If I get to go back virtually next year, I’ll implement my rookie lessons. If we get to attend in person, I look forward to meeting my many inspiring, dedicated colleagues in person.

Applications now open for Professional Development Awards

Posted on | September 9, 2020 | No Comments

On behave of the Awards Committee…


DEADLINE: Quickly approaching – September 15th – Apply fast!



To support professional development activities including attendance at classes, conferences and meetings;

To provide MLGSCA members with the opportunity to increase their competence in the theoretical, administrative and/or technical aspects of librarianship.


The applicant must:

  1. Be a regular member of MLGSCA;
  2. Hold a graduate degree in library/information science;
  3. Be a practicing medical librarian with at least two years of professional experience;
  4. Be willing to write at least a 500 word summary on the event for the MLGSCA blog;
  5. Not have received this award in the past three years.

Consideration will be given to outstanding candidates who do not meet all of the eligibility criteria.


Awards range from $100 – $500.
More than one award may be granted in a year.
Awards Committee screens applications and recommends candidate(s) to the Advisory Council of MLGSCA which has authority to grant the award(s).


  1. Print out the application formand complete it.
    (A paper copy of the form is printed in the MLGSCA Directory)
  2. A MS Word version of the form can be filled out online and submitted as an attachment to the Committee Chair, Laura Stubblefield (see address on form).
  3. Forms are also available from the chair of the Awards Committee, or from the Secretary of MLGSCA.
  4. Deadlines: September 15th; February 15th.

Applications now open for MLGSCA Student Scholarship

Posted on | September 9, 2020 | No Comments

On behalf of the Awards Committee…


Submission Information and Application

The Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona (MLGSCA) continually and vigorously supports the recruitment of outstanding candidates to the profession of health sciences librarianship. One mechanism employed by MLGSCA is through the provision of student scholarships. One scholarship of $1500 is awarded annually to an excellent library/information science student who has shown evidence of interest in pursuing the health sciences specialization in librarianship.

The scholarship is intended to provide support during a student’s course of study. The scholarship funds can be used as desired by the recipient.


Student scholarship applicants must meet all criteria to be considered.  A student must:

Past recipients of the MLGSCA Student Scholarship are not eligible for a second scholarship.

The following materials are required for application and must be received by December 15.

Scholarship payment will be made at the time of the award. The recipient will be notified in April. If there are no appropriate candidates, the association may elect not to award the scholarship in a given year.

Preferred: Please email as an attachment to:


Print one copy of the completed application and related documents and mail to:

Laura Stubblefield, Chair MLGSCA Awards Committee
Sharp Memorial Hospital Medical Library
7901 Frost Street
San Diego, CA 92123

Congratulations to Molly Harrington

Posted on | July 8, 2020 | No Comments