Newsletter of the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona

Submit your poster or paper abstract for Joint Meeting 2016!

The 2016 NCNMLG & MLGSCA Joint Chapter Meeting Planning Committee is soliciting submissions for contributed papers, lightening talks, and posters for the upcoming meeting “In Tune with the Future through Vision, Visibility and Partnership” at Stanford University, in Palo Alto, CA, January 20 – 23, 2016. You can find more specific information on the NCNMLG website: […]

Nominations open for Ida and George Eliot Prize

Help recognize MLA’s talented writer(s)! Take a moment and nominate a colleague (or yourself!) for the Ida and George Eliot Prize. Presented annually, the Ida and George Eliot Prize is given for a work published in the preceding calendar year that has been judged most effective in furthering medical librarianship. Last year winner: “Effects of […]

Apply now for the Ysabel Bertolucci MLA Annual Meeting Grant!

The Ysabel Bertolucci MLA Annual Meeting Grant recognizes Ysabel Bertolucci’s exemplary career as a members of the Medical Library Association and her many contributions to its Sections, Chapters and Board. Endowed in 2014, the Bertolucci Grant recognizes a health sciences librarian who is involved in nursing, allied health, consumer health or international librarianship. The recipient […]

Apply now for MLGSCA Professional Development Award!

Purpose: To support professional development activities including attendance at classes, conferences and meetings; To provide MLGSCA members with the opportunity to increase their competence in the theoretical, administrative and/or technical aspects of librarianship. Eligibity: The applicant must: Be a regular member of MLGSCA; Hold a graduate degree in library/information science; Be a practicing medical librarian […]

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