Newsletter of the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona

JM2010 Plenary Session

Posted on January 29, 2010 by ebrennan | No Comments

Posted by Carol Ann Attwood, MLIS; Patient Health & Education Library, Mayo Clinic Arizona

Speakers:  Keith Frey, MD, Mayo Clinic Arizona and Nadine Ellero

The speakers, one from Arizona and one from Virginia, shared their stories of integration activities with an electronic medical record implementation cycle within their organizations.  Dr. Frey, who leads the Cerner group for the Mayo Clinic in Arizona practice, spoke of how his organization worked together with another practice in Florida in their goal to fully integrate their electronic health care records.  Dr. Frey emphasized the importance of the sharing of common protocols, best outcomes and a focus on quality to achieve goals, the importance of standardized definitions and computational biology while focusing not primarily on integration as an end point, but rather as a means to secure strategic goals to foster quality and safety.

Ms. Ellero, from the University of Virginia, focused on the need to have a controlled language vocabulary, and a means to secure data in a meaningful way.  She noted that the role of a medical librarian in the implementation of an electronic medical record was to identify content resources, assisting with licensing and linkage issues and assisting with training.  Medical librarians, she noted, need to “embrace discomfort”, be flexible, make contacts (both formal and informal), keep abreast of the latest information on EMR’s by reading white paper and position papers on the subject as well as focusing on revitalizing yourself and your position within the organization to using the opportunity to share the medical librarian’s position within the organization.

Posted 1/28/10


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