Newsletter of the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona

Call for Nominations for MLA Offices

Posted on April 20, 2010 by ebrennan | No Comments

By Mary L. Ryan, AHIP, FMLA on behalf of MLA 2010 Nominating Committee

The MLA Nominating Committee members are ready to begin identifying potential candidates for the election, and they would appreciate receiving recommendations from MLA members.  If you would like to recommend someone to be nominated for President or for the Board, or would like to be considered for one of the positions, please send his or her curriculum vitae and a paragraph outlining why the person recommended would be a good candidate to one of the members of the Nominating Committee, as listed below, by May 5th.

The process for selecting candidates and electing the MLA President Elect and members of the Board for 2011/12-2013/14 is described on pages 2-3 of the MLA Bylaws.  The 2010 Nominating Committee members, who were elected by the membership late last year, have reviewed the job descriptions for President Elect/President/Past President and Board members, and are currently discussing attributes needed for candidates, including knowledge and experience in association activities, ability to envision what needs to be done and to implement plans to accomplish both short and long-term goals, good oral and written communication skills, etc. They have also discussed the importance of diversity in selecting the slate – age, personalities, geographic region, interests, gender, and library type.

The slate will contain at least two candidates for President-elect (will serve as President Elect for 2011/12, President for 2012/13, and Immediate Past President for 2013/14) and at least six candidates for the three vacant Board positions (term is 2011/12-2013/14).  As outlined in the Bylaws, there is also a petition process that members may use to nominate additional candidates. Please view the job descriptions for President Elect/President/Immediate Past President and Board of Directors members.

The Nominating Committee will meet on Saturday, May 22nd at the MLA Annual Meeting to finalize the list of potential candidates and to develop a procedure for contacting them.   After the slate of candidates is finalized, information about the candidates will be provided to members to help them be prepared to vote in the Fall election.

Thanks in advance for your participation in the nomination and election process!

Posted 4/26/10


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