Newsletter of the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona

Upcoming Joint and Quad meetings for MLGSCA

Posted on April 20, 2012 by Amy Chatfield | No Comments

Contributed by Becky Birr, MLGSCA President, and Maricopa Integrated  Health System, Phoenix, AZ

I wanted to take a moment and update you on the plans for the upcoming Joint Meetings.  As you know, we have had a number of discussions in the last year about the future of Joint Meetings.  Both MLGSCA and NCNMLG have struggled with the last few meetings related to costs.   As a result, we are going to try some different ideas.  Here are some specifics:

Joint Meeting 2013 (with NCNMLG)

Tentatively set at University of California San Diego in late July 2013.  Chairs for the JM are Robert Johnson at USC, Danielle Linden at St. Joseph Health System in Orange, CA and Nita Mailander at Grant Canyon University in Phoenix.  If you would are interested in volunteering for one of the committees, please let them know (find contact information in the MLGSCA Directory).  They will be making announcements on the listserv and blog soon.

Quad Meeting October 2014

The South Central and Midcontinental Chapters approached MLGSCA about a joint meeting.   We had NCNMLG join the conversations.  There were many discussions about this idea with our Advisory Council, NCNMLG, South Central, and Midcontinental.  We came to the conclusion that this would be a great opportunity for our chapters, an excellent way for us to learn from other chapters, and network with our colleagues.  The Quad Meeting, as we are calling it, will be held in October 2014 in Denver.  More details will follow.  There will be representation from all chapters on the committees.  If you are interested in volunteering, please email Becky Birr.

So, the next few years should look like this . . .

2012 MLA in Seattle, May 18-23

2013 MLA in Boston , May 3-8

2013 Joint Meeting in late July at University of California San Diego hosted by MLGSCA (tentative)

2014 MLA in Chicago, May 16-21

2014 Quad Chapter Meeting, October, Denver

2015 Maybe a day-long CE in March

2015 MLA in Austin, May 15-20

2016 Joint Meeting hosted by NCNMLG (February? Summer? Hotel? College?)

If you have any questions about this, please email Becky Birr.  This should be an interesting few years!


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