Newsletter of the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona

Nominating Committee Seeks Candidates

Posted on January 29, 2013 by Lisa Federer | No Comments

The MLGSCA Nominating Committee is looking for eligible candidates for the 2013 election. Although we have ideas about candidates, we would like to hear from you – either through self-nomination or sharing a member’s name for possible inclusion on the upcoming ballot.

While being an MLGSCA officer may seem overwhelming at times, I can speak from first-hand experience (2011-12 MLGSCA President and 2004-2005 Secretary) that it has enabled me to give something back to the organization that has taught me a lot. I have also been able to earn AHIP points at the same time!

We are seeking:

In addition to the above elected positions, the Nominating Committee will also be looking for MLGSCA’s nominee for the MLA Nominating Committee.

There is information concerning these positions in the MLGSCA Advisory Council Manual and the Bylaws at Although if there are any questions, please feel free to email me directly or any of the Committee members. We look forward to hearing from you.

We eagerly await your response!

Rebecca Birr, MLGSCA Nominating Committee Chair,

Andrea Harrow, Library@GoodSam.Org

Molly Harrington, Molly.Harrington@CHW.EDU

Janet Crum,

Kay Deeney,


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