Newsletter of the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona

Run for MLGSCA office!

Posted on February 6, 2015 by Kelli Hines | No Comments

Dear MLGSCA Members,

The Nominating Committee is tasked with finding eligible candidates for the upcoming 2015 election.  We have identified a few candidates, however, we would like to hear from you by either self-nomination (perfectly acceptable – in fact highly encouraged!) or sharing a colleagues name for possible inclusion on the upcoming ballot.

We are seeking to fill the following offices:

President-Elect/ Continuing Education Chair: 3 year term (President-elect, President, Immediate Past-President)
Secretary: 1 year term
Treasurer : 2 year term
MLA Chapter Council Representative & Alternate: 3 year term
MLGSCA Nominating Committee: 2 year term

It might seem overwhelming to run for office, but I can speak from personal experience serving as MLGSCA President for two terms .  Being an officer of the Chapter has provided me with a tremendous amount of professional growth and allowed me to make some great friends!

Please look for additional information concerning these position in the MLGSCA Manual and Bylaws on our Chapter’s web site

However, please also feel free to contact any of the members of the Nominating Committee.


Mary White Nominating Committee Chair

Nita Mailander
Lisa Marks
Lori Tagawa
Kathy Zeblisky


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