Newsletter of the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona

Featured member – Karen Bonteko

Posted on December 8, 2016 by Bethany Myers | No Comments

Karen Bonteko

Karen Bonteko

  1. How did you become interested in medical librarianship? I kind of fell into medical librarianship. Just after getting my BA I was working part time at a public library with a job opening came up for a library tech at the county medical library. I got the job and the librarian, Amrit Paul, and I clicked and she taught me so much that I feel like I got an apprenticeship in Medical Librarianship. After working there a couple of years I went back and got my MLIS from San Jose State University.
  2. What is your current position? Medical Librarian at Kaweah Delta Health Care District
  3. What do you enjoy most about your current position? Working with the nurses who are going back to school. Most are working on their BSN via online courses and often are not given instruction in how to use the databases and find articles before being assigned the need to find articles. I sit down with them and go over the resources available to them and some of the ways to find the articles they need.
  4. What do you think is the most interesting or challenging issue in librarianship today? I think visibility of the work that librarians do is probably one of the big issues. With so many of the resources being provided online by libraries, it is important to make sure that people understand that the library is behind the access to those resources and that they are a managed resource and don’t just appear online by magic.
  5. Please provide a link that made you think (an article, video, blog post, other webpage, etc. that you found to be interesting or thought-provoking): I really love Healthcare Triage on YouTube with Dr. Aaron Carroll. He discusses diseases, EBM, health care policy, etc. in a consumer friendly way.


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