Newsletter of the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona

Call for Nominations for MLA Offices

By Mary L. Ryan, AHIP, FMLA on behalf of MLA 2010 Nominating Committee The MLA Nominating Committee members are ready to begin identifying potential candidates for the election, and they would appreciate receiving recommendations from MLA members.  If you would like to recommend someone to be nominated for President or for the Board, or would like […]

MLGSCA Officers for 2010-11

By Deborah Klein on behalf of Nominating Committee The election results are in!  The MLGSCA Officers for 2010-11 are: President-Elect: Becky Birr Secretary: Emily Brennan Nominating Committee: Carol Ann Attwood and Brooke Billman Our other officers for 2010-11 were elected last year for two-year terms.  They are: Incoming President: Eileen Wakiji Treasurer: Molly Harrington Nominating Committee […]

MLGSCA Spring CE: Register by April 16!

The MLGSCA Spring Continuing Education (CE) course, Library without Walls: Creating Web Portals for Online Services and Resources, is on Friday, April 23 from 10-12pm.  Register by Friday, April 16! The class instructor is Nital Sheridan, MLIS, AHIP, the Manager of the Ochsner Medical Library & Archives in New Orleans.  She is also the author […]

Vote for Next Year’s MLGSCA Officers!

The election for next year’s MLGSCA Officers is now open.  Voting is being done in SurveyMonkey, and you should contact Deborah Klein, Nominating Committee Chair, at if you need the ballot address or have problems voting. The ballot will be open for two weeks: March 23 – April 7, 12:15am.  People who join MLGSCA […]

MLGSCA Membership: 7 Reasons to Renew!

By Danielle Linden, 2009-10 MLGSCA Membership Chair and the 2009-10 MLGSCA Membership Committee The 2009-10 MLGSCA Membership Committee would like to extend a big “THANK YOU” to all of you who have renewed your MLGSCA membership for 2010. For those of you who have not yet renewed, we would like to take a moment of […]

Congratulations to Molly Harrington!

Molly Harrington, the Manager of Library Services at St. Joseph’s Hospital & Medical Center in Phoenix, AZ, was specifically recognized in the Acknowledgements of a just published likely academic bestseller, The Agile Librarian’s Guide to Thriving in Any Institution (January 2010). The author, Dr. Michelynn McKnight, Professor of LSU’s School of Library and Information Science […]

Renew Your 2010 MLGSCA Membership

By Danielle Linden, West Coast University, MLGSCA Membership Committee Chair The new year is almost upon us and it is time to renew your MLGSCA membership for 2010!  MLGSCA membership is based on the calendar year and is valid January through December – regardless of the month you renew.  That means if you renew in […]

Become a Mentor to Future Academy (AHIP) Members

This is your opportunity to help shape the future of your profession!  Please consider becoming a mentor to new members of the Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP) at the provisional level and earn one Academy point per mentee per year.  This level is for new medical librarians with less than five years of experience […]

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