Newsletter of the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona

MLGSCA/NCNMLG JM2010: Recycle Your Conference Bags

Please bring used, but clean and well preserved, bags to recycle at the 2010 MLGSCA/NCNMLG Joint Meeting in Glendale.  The Joint Meeting registration form indicated that the meeting is BYOCB (Bring Your Own Conference Bag) but attendees may not remember, so we would like to have a nice selection on hand. To donate bags, contact […]

Congratulations to MLGSCA Members Elected to MLA!

By Lisa Marks, MLS, AHIP; Supervisor, Library Services; Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center, Health Science Library Congratulations to our MLGSCA members who were on the MLA ballot for the 2010-2011 election!  Rikke Ogawa was elected to the MLA Board of Directors for the 2010-2013 years.  Janis Brown and Jacqueline Doyle were elected to the MLA […]

MLGSCA/NCNMLG JM2010: Call for Bloggers

By Andrea Lynch, Lee Graff Medical & Scientific Library, City of Hope Attending the 2010 MLGSCA/NCNMLG Joint Meeting?  If so, consider volunteering to be an Official Blogger for the meeting!  Deadline to express interest in being a Joint Meeting Official Blogger is January 15th, 2010. Interested, but need more information before you commit?  Consider some […]

MLGSCA/NCNMLG JM2010: Invited Speaker, Connie Schardt, AHIP

The 2010 Joint Meeting will feature CE classes, exhibits, contributed posters and papers, and a variety of invited speakers.  This year’s invited speakers are Nadine Ellero, Keith Frey, David Rothman, David Levy and Connie Schardt. Connie Schardt is the Associate Director for Public Services at Duke University Medical Center Library, Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina, and current […]

MLGSCA/NCNMLG JM2010: Invited Speaker, Dr. David Levy

The 2010 Joint Meeting will feature CE classes, exhibits, contributed posters and papers, and a variety of invited speakers.  This year’s invited speakers are Nadine Ellero, Keith Frey, David Rothman, David Levy and Connie Schardt. Dr. David Levy will speak on Friday, January 29 at 8:30am.  In his speech titled “No Time to Think”, David […]

MLGSCA/NCNMLG JM2010: Submit an Abstract

The abstract submission deadline for the MLGSCA/NCNMLG 2010 Joint Meeting is Friday, January 8, 2010.  However, abstracts must be submitted by the end of December 2009 in order to be included in the official meeting program.  A limited number of time slots are still available. For more information on abstract submissions, read the blog post […]

MLGSCA/NCNMLG JM2010: Register by 12/16 for a Chance to Win $100 Amazon Gift Card!

By Evonda Copeland, Health Sciences Library, Scottsdale Healthcare Shea Update: the Amazon gift card winner is Heidi Heilemann, Associate Dean for Knowledge Management, Director of the Lane Medical Library & Knowledge Management Center at Stanford School of Medicine. Are you scrambling to get your early registration in for the MLGSCA/NCNMLG Joint Meeting?  Need a little […]

MLGSCA/NCNMLG JM2010: Invited Speaker, David Rothman

The 2010 Joint Meeting will feature CE classes, exhibits, contributed posters and papers, and a variety of invited speakers.  This year’s invited speakers are Nadine Ellero, Keith Frey, David Rothman, David Levy and Connie Shardt. David Rothman, self-proclaimed MedLib Geek, will speak on Thursday, January 28 at 8:45am.  David is the Information Services Specialist at […]

Renew Your 2010 MLGSCA Membership

By Danielle Linden, West Coast University, MLGSCA Membership Committee Chair The new year is almost upon us and it is time to renew your MLGSCA membership for 2010!  MLGSCA membership is based on the calendar year and is valid January through December – regardless of the month you renew.  That means if you renew in […]

MLGSCA/NCNMLG JM2010: Invited Speaker, Dr. Keith A. Frey

The 2010 Joint Meeting will feature CE classes, exhibits, contributed posters and papers, and a variety of invited speakers.  This year’s invited speakers are Nadine Ellero, Keith Frey, David Rothman, David Levy and Connie Shardt. Dr. Keith A. Frey will speak on Thursday, January 28. Dr. Frey is the Medical Director, Information Technology (CMIO) at the Mayo […]

MLGSCA/NCNMLG JM2010: Round Table Facilitators & Recorders Needed!

By Brooke Billman, Arizona Health Sciences Library and Suzette Kopec, St. Joseph’s Hospital Volunteers are needed to share their skills and expertise as a facilitator or recorder for the Round Table Sharing on Thursday, January 28 from 12-1:30pm at the MLGSCA/NCNMLG Joint Meeting. The Round Tables provide an opportunity to share experiences, learn about engaging […]

MLGSCA/NCNMLG JM2010: Invited Speaker, Nadine Ellero

In addition to CE classes, exhibits, contributed posters and papers, come to the Joint Meeting to hear the invited speakers.  This year’s invited speakers are Nadine Ellero, Keith Frey, David Rothman, David Levy and Connie Shardt. Nadine Ellero is the Intellectual Access Librarian at The Claude Moore Health Sciences Library in Charlottesville, Virginia.  She received […]

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